Saturday, April 30, 2011

This is a picture I drew, it's of  a girl using the computer with lots of techie stuff around her.
Right now I'm making my second plush doll, it's for my little brother Sam. I'll post picture later.
Drawn with: mechanical pencil, Prismacolor markers, Copic marker, touched up on photoshop.
First post~


Kassandra said...

HI!!! Is that the one from the prompt I gave you? If it is, sweeeeeeet. Can you send me a bigger version? XP, my little itty-bitty laptop screen isn't showing the smaller version very well.
Anywho, can't wait for more!

Allyson Lemmon said...

LOL I KNEW You would lurk here XD Sure once I get around to it...(In a day, I'm feeling lazy right now XD) Yepper sit's from the prompt~

Kassandra said...

Oh YOU :P Anyways, OMG I WAS RIIIIIIGHT *runs in circles blowing raspberries and flailing her arms*...... *stops*.....I'm EXHAUSTED, hysterical, and SUPER random right now, can you tell? Anywayyyyyys, off to chat.... WITH YOOOOOUUUU!!!!!
(Okay, inside techie-theatre joke, but it's my new nick-name, along with Kass. *twitch* I HATE that one... *twitch twitch*)

Allyson Lemmon said...


Kassandra said...

POST SOMETHING FLSDJGNFOIVJDKFGHXFLGJKLP;P;FIDFHIFVJNI!!!!!! *Sigh*, see there I went and asploded again, so post, before it happens YET AGAIN! *can feel it coming on* HURRYYYYY!!!!

Allyson Lemmon said...

NCPAOHVA N; AOHF Sorry! We've been bust for the last few days! XD